3 min.

Have you been thinking about taking a mindfulness or other well-being group course but haven’t found the time? Or perhaps you’ve been wanting to further develop your existing meditation practice and have come up against a block.

You are not alone!

In the middle of this road we call our life

I found myself in a dark wood

With no clear path through

- DANTE ALIGHIERI, Divine Comedy, “Inferno”

We all know it’s important to develop and cultivate mental resources within, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to begin or how to continue. Skills and practices such as stress-reduction, mindfulness, positivity, body awareness, and how to ground and recharge ourselves can be a great start.

It’s worth taking some time to explore.

Whether it’s online or in-person, having the structure and guidance of an experienced teacher along with the joy of meeting other like-minded people can be a great way to do this.

Here are three reasons why you should consider joining a group course.

1. Taking a course can help you feel motivated

Can you remember the last time that you felt anticipation? Feelings of both excitement and anxiety when finally planning something that’s been on “your list” for ages?

If the idea of injecting some change in your life feels necessary, but also scary, maybe now is the time!

• Ride the wave of anticipation and let it develop into motivation towards a new course.

• You can be the captain of your own ship, taking your own self-growth and learning to a new level, while also being part of a meaningful community.

Whatever your group journey ends up being (and it will likely be different than what you originally thought!), it will be uniquely yours, in a specific moment of time in your life.

2. It’s easier to make a commitment in a group

It can be hard to take the step of actually signing up for a course, retreat or workshop. Can you allow yourself to prioritize what you need?

Schedules, family responsibilities and self-doubt often take over, often necessarily so. “How can I?” or “ What if…?” might be questions you’ve asked yourself or maybe need to ask.

• This can be an opportunity to practice open and mindful reflection and communication with those in your life.

• Express what it is you need and open the door to discussions and agreements on how things could possibly be arranged.

Once agreements with yourself and any loved ones are in place, the step of “signing up” signals to you and to others that you have made a commitment. It means no excuses, time and energy has been set aside and a path is laid before you.

3.  Learning in a group environment feels supportive

When you are part of a group course or offering you can benefit not only from a knowledgeable and experienced teacher, but also from connecting with other participants.

• Most mindfulness courses offer an interactive mix of teaching, practising and sharing.

• Hearing from individuals within a group about their challenges and learnings can help you remember or realise that you are not alone. This can serve as a reminder about our common humanity and shared experience.

Going through a course together, either online or in-person, creates bonds and opens opportunities for social connection, with people sometimes staying in touch with each other after completion.

Finding your way with inspiration

What a beautiful experience it can be to find your motivation, commit to something and then feel the support of a group along the way.

If you haven’t had the opportunity to hear from someone directly who has gone through this process, reading some testimonials can help highlight how the experience has been for others.

Whatever your reasons are for contemplating a group course, why not take the jump? Invest some time and energy for yourself - you deserve it!